Wiser Contract Furnishings
Find the Right Furniture at a Lower Price
Cooperative Contract Purchasing is changing the way schools update their classrooms. Source Well is one incredible option. Using the power of cooperative purchasing, you’ll get lower pricing, a quicker turnaround time, and avoid the hassle of going to bid.
Member organizations like Wiser Contract Furnishings allow you to purchase furniture at high volume pricing, no matter how big your project might be. This is a no-cost, no-obligation, and no purchase necessary opportunity to find the right pieces at a lower price.
Source Well has the power to weed through bids so that you don’t have to. Finding the right vendor nationally allows you to get the combination of price, quality, and credibility. Additionally, your Source Well vendor will be able to source most products locally, as well as recruit removal and installation crews near your project, which supports your local economy.
We’re able to use Source Well for more than just low prices. Their national-level contracts help them undertake research in the educational field to find great partners to work with and research how costs and projections fluctuate over time.
Your Source Well vendor, like Wiser Contract Furnishings, is going to cover the following checklist, so you know you’re in the best hands as you undertake your project.
We’ll work with you to submit your Source Well application, keep you up to date on the process, and work with you to create an effective system of communication with everyone involved in your project. We understand that, as the purchasing agent, you’re responsible for keeping your school or office up and running during the removal and installation of new furnishings. Plus, we’ll work with you to identify the needs of your work environment so that we can design the right space and use the right pieces, materials, and colors to make your project perfect.
Once the cooperative purchasing process is going, Source Well will maintain all of your records, receipts, and pertinent documents so that everything is secure and available in the future.
At Wiser Contract Furnishings, we’ve learned to be effective and efficient cooperative purchasing vendors, and we’re here to help you through the application process.
As a Purchasing Officer, Peer has become an advocate for Sourcewell’s cooperative purchasing solution for California’s City of Redding, and states, “The reason that I trust using a Sourcewell contract is due to the detailed requirements in the solicitations, the assurance of an in‐depth review of the proposals by Sourcewell’s panel, and the ease in access to documentation for review.”
Need Further Assistance?
Still not sure how it works? Give us a call, and we would love to show you how even the biggest projects are made easier with the use of programs like Source Well.
Need Further Assistance?
Still not sure how it works? Give us a call, and we would love to show you how even the biggest projects are made easier with the use of programs like Source Well.